Assessments and Assessment Based Coaching

It is hard to determine when hiring if a person really fits your business needs after the actual interview process or resume review.  Assessments allow you to determine the values of a person as well as their behaviour in the workplace and how it differs from their “natural” environment.  Ultimately you want someone who will be comfortable in the work environment and that this comfort crosses over from his or her natural environment.

You may also need to know about the person’s judgment or how they think when in various situations.  Another item of help may be to know “how they learn”.  We offer assessments in all these areas directly through our business or through our affiliates.

One factor to keep in mind is assessments are useful at any stage of the employee’s development process and not just at the beginning of the hiring stage.  Ongoing, as people move through the organization, it is important to evaluate your needs and to assess your people accordingly.  Let us help you determine when assessments may be needed in order to determine you have the right person for the job!  The investment in many assessments per person is small but can deliver a huge return!

We are an active distributor of Target Training International Ltd assessments and workshops…they own the only patented assessment currently offered.  Ask about our assessments now so you can get started in hiring the right person for the job and for keeping employees motivated once they’re hired into your organization.  If you need us to analyze your ROI on human resources, we can make that happen too!


(Advanced Solutions to Accelerate People, Performance, and Profits):  This program focuses on assessments, process management, and experiential training workshops to fit your business need to include follow-up coaching.

Don’t have time for training?  This program offers a series of classes or lunchtime/break room bits of training on topics needed to keep your staff focused.  Those topics are determined through a collaborative effort between you and EE Consulting.

This program is similar to the ASAPbut on a much broader scale that includes strategic planning.

(Mastering Organizational Silo-breaking Activities through Integrated Collaboration):  This program involves looking at your organization as a whole, driving results through menu-driven solutions, and improving communication across all groups.  No longer will you hear Sales say “finance is keeping us from making the sale” or Finance saying “Sales Department is giving the shop away” because we will work with all teams to ensure all teams are working towards organizational goals that will make your business successful. 

Contact us for more information.

We work with your budget for all training so you don’t break the bank with your training needs.

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